Friday 5 September 2008

Why? How? Where? What?

Why start a blog?
I'm not particularly techie savvy, and have so many tasks to do that i barely have time to sleep. Well i believe this is a stress induced reaction to entering the end of the third trimester of my phd (1st trimester = 1st yr, and the analogy of pregnancy is a rather apt one). Oh and i do think this will be cathartic.

Reasons why phd process is like pregnancy:
There is an agonisingly long wait (anything from three to seven years) and it's soothing to think that the pain will all be worthwhile when those two little letters are yours to put in front of your name. I will be changing any correspondence to Dr.

Forget stretch marks, phd's induce scarring of the mental variety, all the big, technical words, the anguish of learning academic style writing and arguing with your supervisor is enough to put you off ever having started it.

Sleepless a reversal of baby bearing, phd's offer sleepless nights in every trimester with alarming regularity. You also can't escape by pretending the baby's not crying in order to force daddy to come to the rescue. Your phd is with you even in your dreams or should i say nightmares.

That's enough for now, as i'm beginning to think this may put somebody off doing one big time.

How to start a blog?
I believe i just warned there are so many pieces of information swimming in my head, that you may find this blog quite chaotic, surprising and entertaining espeically at times when it's not meant to be.

Where? Not sure why i included that question in the title! I think i was referring to where to start? I repeat I have started, and here's some further info about yours truly.


Mum of two boys
Late twenties
Eats far too much chocolate
Member of slimming club, seems to go along for the chatter rather than to shift calories from said plentiful chocolate bars
Third year of phd

Jane Austen novels/films
Sending cards to people
Speaking french
Eating with friends
Scottish accents (in honour of grandad)

Getting up early
English weather (well most of the time - rain, wind etc.)
Beating around the bush
Cleaning (such a thankless task)

What to include? Rather redundant question as only time will tell...